Call for abstracts


  • 24 March: opening of the call for abstracts and financial support application
  • 30 April: Due to the recently announced change from a hybrid format to a fully virtual event, we would like to give potential contributors some time to consider submitting abstracts for the WCRP-WWRP Joint Symposium on Data Assimilation and Reanalysis under the new format. Therefore, the deadline for submission of abstracts is extended to 7 May 2021.


Submission of an abstract implies that organizers have permission to reproduce the abstract in the program and reports related to the conference.


The call for abstracts is open for oral and poster presentations.  If you are submitting an abstract, you must be the presenter and first author.

  • Authors will have to submit the abstracsts in ENGLISH related to one of the sessions of the Conference.
  • A maximum of 1 abstract for oral presentation can be submitted per participant as first author.
  • A maximum of 3 abstracts for poster presentation can be submitted per participant as first author.
  • Select one of the topics listed in the submission form

Make your abstract as informative as possible. The abstract is limited to 1500 characters (spaces included).

The main following topics will be covered during the symposium :

Center Updates
Contributions could for example address: updates from operational centers on DA, updates from global and regional reanalysis producers

Contributions could for example address: ensemble approaches, non-linear/non-Gaussian DA, AI approaches, innovative approaches to reanalysis, satellite DA (e.g., hyper-spectral), radar DA (e.g., dual-polarization, volumetric), DA on the km-scale and lower, ultra-rapid DA, preparing for the exascale, Ocean DA

Earth System Modelling
Contributions could for example address: coupled DA (e.g., with land surface, ocean ice), bio-geochemistry modelling, seamless approaches - from minutes to seasons / multi-scale aspects, atmospheric composition

Contributions could for example address: observations for paleo simulations (e.g., ocean, atmosphere, cryosphere), continuity of observations, crowd-sourcing and unconventional observations, data rescue efforts, remote sensing for the boundary layer

Contributions could for example address: extreme events and high-impact weather in forecasting and reanalysis, renewable energy, hydrology, socio economic applications (e.g., health, agriculture)

Verification / Evaluation / Post-Processing
Contributions could for example address: metrics and diagnostics, observations for evaluation, avoiding discontinuities in reanalysis, surface reanalysis

Contributions could for example address: upcoming reanalyses, developments in DA infrastructures, shared assimilation infrastructure to advance science, DA and reanalysis in education, knowledge transfer, technology for user-oriented reanalysis dissemination, research to operations

To access the abstract submission form create a account through the login button on the top right side of the website. You'll then have a private space to submit your abstract.

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