Programme at a glance


The draft programme of the 2021 ECMWF Annual Seminar is available here.

The preliminary programme of the WCRP-WWRP Symposium on Data Assimilation and Reanalysis is subject to changes. A more detailed programme with assigned presenters (oral and poster) will become available closer to the event. Notifications on the respective presentation times will be send out to the presenters in mid-August.

To get the programme, click on Programme as of September 13, 2021



The WCRP-WWRP Symposium on Data Assimilation and Reanalysis will be held fully virtual due to the ongoing pandemic situation.In order to let the experience come closer to that of an in-person meeting, we will use the platform for the symposium (courtesy of ECMWF). The platform is browser-based and works with most of the common browsers and operating systems.

In, you will create an avatar which you can move around in a virtual conference center. You can visit the posters and access the  oral presentations indedicated rooms. Interactions with other participants will take place when you meet them in the hallways, at the posters or in other areas. Private spaces allow for smaller groups to retreat and have private discussions. We will enable the access to the platform before the meeting to allow the participants to get accustomed to it. Further information on will follow via email before the symposium takes place.

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